Thoughts Right Now

she's learning the spaces she leaves have their own things to say

Saturday, June 11, 2005

You're done for good.

I have a deep, dark secret. Nobody in my life knows. They know I started smoking when I was 16. What they don't know is...I haven't stopped.

My church is having their annual fundraiser. Our goal was to raise $200,000 in 4 weeks, above and beyond regular tithing. Since I don't have any real income, after God's 10% all the rest of the money I get goes towards paying the couple bills I have.
But somehow I scrounge up $5 a week to buy a pack of cigarettes.
God has been constantly telling me to get rid of things that are standing between sermons, discussions, music, the way I feel physically...and smoking is my last major hurdle.
Tonight at church they announced how close we were to reaching our goal. So far we have about $27,000. It was a dagger in the heart to me because I wished I could do more to contribute, and then it hit me.
If I make a pledge to give that $5 a week, that adds up to $260 in a year. It isn't much, but God can use it better than the tobacco companies, I'm sure. It gives me a reason to quit, and holds me responsible for how I use my money.
I don't think I'll have the withdrawls...smoking was always more of a comfort than an addiction, and I know that if I look in the right place I have all the comfort I'll ever need.

Show me how to love You more
and know You completely


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