Thoughts Right Now

she's learning the spaces she leaves have their own things to say

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I was telling God that I wish it could be all or nothing with a certain situation in my life. I'm sicik of analyizing. I'm sick of hoping. I'm sick of disappointment.


(I'm amazed at how God puts ideas in my little insignificant brain)

I realized I'm putting my hope in the wrong thing(s). Instead of putting my hope into a person or a situation or a circumstance, and instead of saying, "I put my trust in You," and stopping there, I need to say, "GOD IS MY HOPE."

So there I was, feeling pretty good about myself, and I thought, "Hey, there's a few verses about hope in the Bible, I'll look them up!".

158 verses with the word hope.

Suddenly I didn't feel so hot. How many times had I read all of those verses? Dozens? And I'm just now getting the true meaning behind them. It made me wish that I could see what God was really saying every time I read a Bible verse, but then I thought my head might explode with all the info.

My favorite verse was Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.


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