Thoughts Right Now

she's learning the spaces she leaves have their own things to say

Monday, August 07, 2006

lead me Jesus

Am I seeing too much?
Or not enough…

It’s funny. Too often I want questions answered for me. And THIS question that’s been wandering around in my brain for months is demanding an answer. So I’ve asked people. Quite a few of them. I always get one of two answers, but they're so polar opposite that it leaves me even more confused. So I ask God. He, unlike people, always gives me the same answer. In the past when He has given me that answer, I've ignored it and charged ahead with an, "I know what I want and I want it now" attitude. But, seeing as how that hasn't worked out so well for me in the past...

I'm playing a waiting game of my own.

I hate waiting.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Best book EVER!!!

There are very few books that I completely LOVE and almost totally agree with, but this is one of them. This is by far the most wonderful book for single women that I've read (even though the list is pretty short).
It's not about how to "catch" that really great guy every woman fact, it's really not about men at all. Sure, it talks about them a lot, but it's in relation to women. The standards we should set. The value we should place on ourselves (because God values us so highly). Life does not have to be put on hold...contrary to what almost all of Utah thinks...just because you're not married.

Some of my favorite things it's said so far...

Relationships cannot provide what God was meant to provide…He would not base our wholeness on something that requires another person’s participation.

You are priceless – fearfully and wonderfully made. The man who wants to be involved with you should have to count the cost.
If being involved with you requires a high cost, you will be able to sift the wrong people out of your life. But having a high cost means you can’t be a needy person who always requires the instant gratification of a romantic relationship.

Don’t let others call you by a different name than the one God gave you. And don’t waste time in an identity crisis if a man has yet to call you by the name you want to hear. The right one will recognize you and address you appropriately. Know who you are, what you are worthy of, and carry yourself in that manner.

Yes, it requires a lot of discipline to be around someone who’s wonderful, whom you enjoy, and with whom you think you’d have a wonderful life, and not fantasize about what life would be like with him. You must resist these thoughts though, if he hasn’t promised to be in your life…to imagine a man in your life without his promise of being there is like making an appointment with yourself. You will most likely be there alone.

The woman who sets her heart upon God and plants herself firmly in God’s Word will always be fruitful. Her happiness will not be seasonal; she won’t just be up when everything is going right and down when everything is going wrong. She has another source of joy, another source of power that lies deep and undisturbed beneath the environment and away from volatile circumstances.
When you are spiritually minded and spiritually ruled, you won’t go through the ups and downs of people who trust in their environment. Yes, you will have problems and seasons of trials, but they won’t affect your peace and your joy.

(This is for you, Petunia) The Bible says much about character and little about personality because God has predetermined that everyone’s personality should be different. He delights in our uniqueness. Be true to your personality.