Thoughts Right Now

she's learning the spaces she leaves have their own things to say

Friday, December 30, 2005

I once was blind...

I am so amazed at the mere memories I have of a time in my life that I completely took for granted. I think about how lucky I was to be in that place at that time and I wonder why I couldn't see it in the moment.
I didn't feel lucky.
It didn't feel extra special.
It felt...normal.
The truth is, the whole experience was about as rare as they come...for me at least. Sometimes I think, "If I stumbled into something so rare without even trying...what will happen if I DO try?"

The way experience turns into growth is, granted a sometimes painful, but always a very cool process. I guess we all have a lot more of that to go through, no matter how grown-up we think we are.

...but now I see.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Anybody with a healthy liver and type A blood be up for a live organ donation? (See Monty Python's The Meaning of Life if you have questions).

Croswhite II

A man who's extremely special to me, although he doesn't know it, gave me the biggest compliment tonight. This guy is amazing...he's one of the few people I look up to spiritually.
So, in our break off groups tonight after The Next Level we decided to do prayer a little differently. We went around the circle and talked about what we needed prayer for, and the person on your left prayed for you. I was lucky enough to have him on my left...
He thanked God for me.
For my sweet heart.
For my servant's attitude.
And for my thoughtful and insightful comments every week.
The man who leads the worship every weekend at church...the man who makes me cry every single Saturday night when he gives me insight into God's love...the man who disciples countless other guys every week notices those things about me.

It's not that I do what I do so that people will notice me. I do everything I do because it's a way to serve God. But knowing that someone I am so in awe of DOES means a lot.