From the book
AnticipatienceOne evening in our single ladies Bible study, we talked about the issue of faith. I asked each woman to think about what she would want to be included in the book of Hebrews. The Hebrews 11 people were real people, ordinary people. What made them extraordinary was their faith, and their willingness to step out and face life's challenges, no matter what the circumstances were. That evening in our Bible study, we each completed the following sentence:
"By faith, (their name) ________________"
I've kept my faith statement in the front of my journal ever since. I identified it as Sharon 11:1:
"By faith, Sharon, though she was tested by fire, water, and sometimes fog, believed (
really believed) that God would be her Jehovah-Jireh and provide her with His appointed one - a husband. A husband who would be her protector, her leader, her friend. By faith, when it looked impossible, Sharon held on, and when the "expected end" came, she was truly able to embrace the promise God had given her."
The thing that she would want to be remembered for most is believing that God would bring her a husband???
I would want to be remembered for believing that God would make my life extraordinary, that He would give me opportunities that I can't even begin to imagine, and use me in ways I never thought possible.
Do I want someone to share the journey with?
Almost more than I want the journey itself.
(From the book again)
A Christian book I read recently advocated the idea that any desire a single woman has for intimacy with a man is simply a displaced desire for intimacy with God (an idea I find particularly absurd in the light that God designed marriage to bein with).
Ok, I realize the demographic this book is written for, but you can never speak in absolutes (little joke there). I agree that the desire to be married isn't a sign that you need to be closer to God, but you have to look at the reasons behind the desire.
Do you want love?
Unconditional acceptance?
Someone you can always run to?
Are those the top reasons you want to be married?
If so, I would say that your desire really IS for God, NOT an Earthly relationship.
I guess the whole subject is summed up by something a friend reminded me of tonight: instead of running around trying to find a spouse, run towards God and look around every once in a while to see who's keeping up.